Light Wizards •

Light Wizards •

From the darkness and the depths of Saint Louis Missouri, in the year at the end of the world, 2020, The Wizards began painting.

Cameron Tyus Woods and Zander Hayes spawned to master the light in a garage where they decided to bring that magic to their photography.

The Wizards concoct portals in their lair bringing a unique and manufactured approach to portraiture through Light Painting. Flying out of the Missouri sky buzzing through the lands from New York City to the Salt Flats,

the Wizards bring the ethereal to life.

What is light painting?

image edits by Andrew Molinari

“Long exposure techniques enable photographers to create effects that aren’t possible at standard or high shutter speeds. One example of this is light painting”

“Light Painting is the photographic technique or using a moving light source such as a flashlight, light brush or even a smart phone to alter an image while taking a long exposure photograph.”

“Instead of capturing an image as-is, light painters add elements by highlighting an object or creating streaks, colors, or flashes within an image.”